Access Data Objects (ADO) 2.5 or LaterAccess Data Objects are an object that links the server scripts to the database. Within the active server script you must declare the object, set the parameters, and then close the object as soon as possible. This coding example illustrates how to import data to FDF/PDF from a database <%@ Language=VBSCRIPT %> <% Option Explicit %> <% On error resume next Dim RS Declare Recordset Dim ConnStr Declare Connection String Dim RecordCounter Dim FDFAcx, FDFin Set RS = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset) ConnStr = Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= & _ Server.MapPath(/Databases/My_Database.mdb)
Open Updatable Recordset Syntax is as follows RS.Open SQL/Table, Connection, 3=OpenKeyset, 3=LockOptimistic RS.Open Select * From Table_One Where Unique_ID = 2, ConnStr, 3,3
Check if a record is found RecordCounter = RS.RecordCount If RecordCounter < 1 then Response.Write No Records Found Response.End End if Call Subroutine to perform Data Population Perform_Query
Sub Perform_Query() Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.fdf" Set FdfAcx = Server.CreateObject("FdfApp.FdfApp") Set FDFout = FdfAcx.FDFCreate FDFout.FDFSetFile = Server.MapPath(PDFs/My_PDF.pdf)
1. Open FDF From File Or Open from Buffer (Uncomment One of them) Set FDFin=FdfAcx.FDFOpenFromFile(Server.MapPath(/PDF/my_file.pdf)) Set FDFin = FdfAcx.FDFOpenFromBuf (Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes))
If the field type is a string then add a empty string to the end to not throw an error FDFout.FDFSetValue Fieldname_One, RS(Fieldname_One") &
If the field type is numeric then add zero to not throw an error FDFout.FDFSetValue Fieldname_Two, RS(Fieldname_Two) + 0 FDFout.FDFSetStatus Page Updated with new Values Response.BinaryWrite FDFout.FDFSaveToBuf FdfAcx.Close Respone.End End Sub %>
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