ASP.Net Server Setup

Read the new (.Net Framework) Server Setup Manual [click here]

If you have not already have setup your web server [click here].

Read how to Download and Install MS .Net framework [click here].

After you have setup your server, and Installed/Upgraded the MS Net SDK, you can begin to setup the components of the server. If your using MS Net, Internet Information Services 5+ there are a few things different between Active Server Pages (Asp) and ASP.NET (Aspx) components.

First thing ASP using components installed on the server through dynamic references directly to the component. In ASPx files components are referenced through a file called a Wrapper Class. Using Microsoft Type Library to Assembly Converter (TlbImp.exe) the wrapper class references the registered library.

TBLIMP.exe is an executable that is installed with MS .NET Framework SDK.

The Location of TBLIMP.exe is in the "<root>:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v1.1\Bin" directory.

Registering The Library Components:

The files you need to reference are FDFACX.DLL, and binReadWriteBuf.dll.

First thing is to register them using RegSvr32.dll. To do this follow these steps.

  1. Download both, binReadWriteBuf.dll.
  2. Unzip the folders, and extract them into the Windows/System32 folder of the root directory.
  3. Using RegSvr32.exe you can register the components.
  4. From Windows, Click [Start], [Run], type "command", press enter
  5. From Command Window, type the following.
  6.  cd %windowsroot%\system32
  7. Type RegSvr32 %windowsroot%\system32\fdfacx.dll
  8. Press Enter
  9. Type RegSvr32 %windowsroot%\system32\binReadWriteBuf.dll
  10. Press Enter

Now the Library Components are Registered.

Creating the Wrapper Class: [MS Information - Wrapper Class]

I will summarize the link in this heading.

Created a batch file Wrapper_Setup.bat that contains the following DOS executables.

Copy the contents of the text area below, open Notepad and paste the contents. Change the file extension from .txt to All Files (*.*), and save file as Wrapper_Setup.bat.

To run the Batch file, open Windows Explorer, and double-click the file.

Setup Web Configuration File:

Navigate to the root of the web site, and create a new file with Notepad.exe called web.config, and replace the username and password of a administrator on your server. Change the file extension from *.txt to *.* (All Files), and Save the file as web.config

Read the new (.Net Framework) Server Setup Manual [click here]


Reference Manual .NET


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Last Updated 06/12/2004